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Lethbridge District Skeptics > Articles by: Dan Johnson

Is there enough fluoride in a tube of toothpaste to kill a small child?

Is the following statement supported by epidemiological evidence or toxicological data? sodium fluoride is so toxic that there is enough in a tube of toothpaste to kill a small child A recent news article (actually, a submitted opinion article, which is often treated like “news”) says “sodium fluoride is so toxic that there is enough in a tube of toothpaste to kill a small child”. Is this a valid statement of risk? How can we […]


The Reverse Logic of Fluoridation Opponents

I’d like to think that fluoridation opponents are merely wrong or mistaken, but here is an example of the reverse logic and obviously irrelevant claims that they use to support an argument (and they apparently consider this to be one of their better ones). It seems unlikely that someone would see the math behind these claims and make the backwards interpretation they do. Yet this article is being copied around various places, with strongly worded […]


Fooling with Numbers: The Anti-Fluoridation Campaign

What would you say if someone told you that you are putting your family at risk of almost certain death because a known highly toxic poison comes out of the exhaust pipe of your car, and that riding in the car will reduce children’s intelligence because there is lead in the car battery? You’d say the concentration is very low, and the evidence of deadly toxicity comes from studies with much higher concentrations, so it […]